
Driver Cut-in Behavior


  • To understand and simulate driver's cut-in control behaviors, we propose a platoon-oriented cut-in behavior model.

  • To understand and simulate the driver decisions on whether to continue the cut-in and when to execute the lane-change during the cut-in process, we propose a two-layer prediction-based decision model.

  • To handle cut-ins, we propose an intention prediction-based control method for the VPs by considering the tradeoff between the platoon integrity and traffic safety.

  • We investigate how to classify and analyze the driving style of the cut-in process.


Modeling of Driver Cut-in Control Behavior towards a Platoon

  • Research objective: to mimic driver's cut-in control behaviors towards a platoon.

  • Novelties: (1) The 1st work on lane-change against a platoon, vs one vehicle in car-following model or none vehicle in steering model by STOA; (2) Personalized human-like ADAS.

  • Modeling idea: We build a combined model by integrating a lateral and a longitudinal control model into the QN cognitive architecture

Modeling of Driver Cut-in Decision Behavior Considering Driving Style

  • Research objective: 1) to model drivers decisions on whether to continue the cut-in/ when to execute the lane change; 2) to represent different decision driving styles

  • Novelties: The 1st work investigating driver decision behavior in the cut-in process

  • Modeling idea: we build a two-layer prediction-based decision model by combining a dynamic prediction module, a continuity decision module, and an execution decision module.

Intention prediction-based control for platoon to handle driver cut-in

  • Research objective: to control the platoon to prevent cut-ins while keeping road safety.

  • Novelties: (1) The 1st work considering the tradeoff between platoon efficacy and road safety; (2) The 1st work incorporating the prediction of the driver intention

  • Cut-in prediction part: a SVM-based algorithm is designed to predict the cut-in intention of human drivers; a trajectory prediction algorithm is used to predict the trajectory of the HDV

  • FSM-based predictive control part: an FSM and an MPC algorithm are built to implement the control objectives of the proposed method.

Clustering and Analysis of the Driving Style in the Cut-in Process

  • Research objective: to help identify and simulate the cut-ins with different driving styles.

  • Novelties: The 1st work to analyze the driving style of the cut-in behavior

  • The principal component analysis (PCA) and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) methods are employed to reduce the dimensionality of the features. The k-means++ algorithm is applied to cluster the driving style of the cut-ins.


  1. Y. Lu, R. Su, L. Huang, J. Yao, Zhijian Hu. (2023). Modeling driver decision behavior of the cut-in process. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI:10.1109/TITS.2023.3330061.

  2. Y. Lu, L. Huang, J. Yao, R. Su. (2023). Intention prediction-based control for vehicle platoon to handle driver cut-in. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 5489-5501

  3. Y. Lu, B. Wang, L. Huang, N. Zhao, R. Su. (2022), Modeling of driver cut-in behavior towards a platoon. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 24636-24648

  4. H. Xiao, Y. Lu, R. Su, B. Wang, N. Zhao, Z. Hu. (2023). Clustering and analysis of the driving style in the cut-in process. 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Bilbao